PACI Grads and Parents,
Graduation is June 26th
The Cap and Gown (Graduation) ceremony is from 1:00 until 3:00.
Grand March is from 6:00 until 8:00.
Cap and Gown Information
- Grads must be at the Rawlinson Centre at 12:00 for the rehearsal.
- Parents are free to stay at the Rawlinson Centre for that time.
- Grads will get their Grad Gown, Hat, Tassel and Stoll at the Rawlinson Centre.
- Grads should wear something dressy under their gowns.
- Examples of this would be (male) dress pants, black socks, dress shoes and a collared shirt and tie or a (female) summer dress and shoes. Be mindful that the bottom third of your leg will be showing. The gowns are black and gold- so be mindful of the colors you are wearing under the gown. Hair will be covered with a grad cap- so long hair may be worn down or in a low ponytail or braid.
Begins at 1:00: students will be drummed in.
Speeches and addresses.
Diploma and Awards.
Hat Toss after the Principal’s address.
Break– Grads will go with their families, appointments, pictures etc.
- 5:45 Call time for Grads and Escorts. Escorts are not required! Many of our students in previous years have made the choice to do several different things from having parents, cousins, nieces, nephews or by themselves! It is up to the Grad.
- 6:00 Grand March
- 7:00 Dances on Stage
- Family Photos
- Grad Parents help take down stage
We reminded students that any students under the influence substances may not be allowed to participate in the graduating ceremony. This is a forever moment, and we understand how our actions could potentially ruin the day for others. We appreciate your support in helping all our graduating class have a safe day that is remembered fondly.